Saturday, October 17, 2009

{School Work} The Erie Canal Report

{A report written for Social Studies. Received 100/A+ with "Great job!" comment by Mrs. Mitchell.}

The Erie Canal
by Casiday Underwood

The Erie Canal is a man-made water-way in New York. The Erie Canal starts in Syracuse,New York, and ends in Albany, New York. It was first proposed in 1808 according to The Encyclopedia Britannica. The Canal finally opened October 26, 1825. says that the Erie Canal connects the Great Lakes to the Hudson River and is 363 miles long.

This was the first transportation system between the eastern seaboard and the western interior of the United States that did not require portage, payment for use, is what said. The Canal was and is used to carry produce and other things like coal.

Today the Canal like it was first built does not exist. says the Erie Canal was made into part of the New York State Canal in the 1990s. Today the Canal used mainly for recreation and small cargo traffic. Sections of the old canal are owed by the state of New York or have been given to cities or counties. Several sections are now state and national landmarks. Many of the cities along the old Erie Canal have made parks by their section of the path. The Erie Canal is a tourist stop for people all over the globe.

1 comment:

Mollianne Massey said...

Very nice job, Casiday. Did you know that I lived in Syracuse, New York once a long, long time ago. Annie had her first birthday there. It snowed over 150 inches the winter we lived there. Brrrrr!
Love you! Aunt Mollianne