Monday, December 7, 2009

My Christmas Tradition

My favorite Christmas tradition is dancing in "The Nutcracker." What I like about doing "The Nutcracker" is that even if you mess up, no one will ever know!

This year I was a Flower and a Soldier. It was so much fun.

What else is fun is being backstage. We can bring snacks, play our Nintendos, listen to our iPods, and just sit there by yourself (I did that for a minute or two this year).

What makes our Nutcracker special is that we tell the true gift of Christmas ~ Baby Jesus. Just like the nutcracker was a special gift for Clara, Jesus is a special gift for us.

{A note from Mommy ... Casiday is privileged to dance at a Christian performing arts studio and so we have a drama that goes along with the ballet each year. This year, Scott was asked to share the Gospel at the end of both performances ... what a blessing to use the gift of dance in such a God-honoring way! This picture is of the prayer before the show ... that's Casiday and her fellow soldiers joined together in prayer. I am so thankful that she is learning to use her abilities and passions in ways that bring glory to God and share the blessed hope we have in Him!!}

Saturday, October 17, 2009

{School Work} The Erie Canal Report

{A report written for Social Studies. Received 100/A+ with "Great job!" comment by Mrs. Mitchell.}

The Erie Canal
by Casiday Underwood

The Erie Canal is a man-made water-way in New York. The Erie Canal starts in Syracuse,New York, and ends in Albany, New York. It was first proposed in 1808 according to The Encyclopedia Britannica. The Canal finally opened October 26, 1825. says that the Erie Canal connects the Great Lakes to the Hudson River and is 363 miles long.

This was the first transportation system between the eastern seaboard and the western interior of the United States that did not require portage, payment for use, is what said. The Canal was and is used to carry produce and other things like coal.

Today the Canal like it was first built does not exist. says the Erie Canal was made into part of the New York State Canal in the 1990s. Today the Canal used mainly for recreation and small cargo traffic. Sections of the old canal are owed by the state of New York or have been given to cities or counties. Several sections are now state and national landmarks. Many of the cities along the old Erie Canal have made parks by their section of the path. The Erie Canal is a tourist stop for people all over the globe.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Ginger and the Snake

I went to get a blue sock and I went to see what the cat was doing ...Ginger (my cat) was playing with a baby snake.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Letter from Camp

Dear Mom & Dad,

We have had a great time! Hey I went white water rafting. I had fun.

We went hiking up two mountains!

Anyway I want to say hi!

So I cannot wait to see you.

There are pool tables and a hot tub and I have new things from a gift shop!


3rd Grade Reflections

My Favorite Part
Spa Day

What I Learned
Is that when it comes to third grade you will always need your teachers for Division.
I also learned about long Division - D-M-S-B-R.

School is Cool

Next year I want to learn more about ... Science
When I grow up I would like to be a ... Vet
I would like to make ... a Clay Bowl
This summer I want to read the book ... Camp Jason's
This summer I want to visit ... Aquatica
I would like to play ... Soccer

Fun Times to Remember ... PJ Day

Monday, May 18, 2009

Tea Party

May 17, 2009 I am going to have a big, huge I mean big Tea Party. Be there. Be there, be there or Be square. Its at 2:30 and ends at 8:30 p.m.. Its at my friends dock. We are going to eat some good sweet cookies and drink some hot tea. So wear your Best tea dress and hat and men wear your Tuxes and stuff. There will be games and craft plus boat rides. Call 264-9088 to come.

The White Witch and Me

It was a cold snowy Day in Narnia whenI met the white witch.
She was wearing a long silky white beatiful dress. Her face looked surprised at me, I was a little worried at first but when she gave me that Turkish Delight.
Oh, that was so good. She had two white reindeer and one tiny dwarf driving the huge sledge. She was the meanest witch but her drawf was also mean.

The End

Pot of Gold

If I found the leprachaun's pot of gold I would spend it on a cruse to Panima and Mexico. I would go on a Disney cruse.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Jackie Robinson

(Note from Mommy: This was a report Casiday wrote for their unit on Baseball at school. She received an A+ and her teacher wrote "Great Job!" on her paper.)

Jackie Robinson
by Casiday Underwood

Jackie Robinson was the first black person to play baseball. He was born in Cairo, Georgia, in 1919 and died in 1972. He was 53 years old when he died. He was never married and never had children.

He attended at Pasadena Junior College. He used to play for the Dodgers and in the Negro Leagues. He played four sports. He also moved to Hawaii and he was the first black person to play baseball. In his first year he made 12 home runs ... that's awesome! He was retired in 1957 so he played for 13 years.

Three things about baseball is that there are four bases, if you get three strikes you're out, and baseball is a bat and ball sport.

I think Jackie Robinson was a really cool person because he was the first black person to play baseball. I also think baseball rules. Baseball is cool because so many people have played it.

If I Were a Baseball ...

If I were a baseball I would be a home run ball. I would be in every single game. Its allways so fun! I get to smell all the saltie peanuts and hear the crowd scream and chear. The worst part tho is getting hit by the bat. It hurts really bad. I have like 12 bruses. Maybe more. They call me a lucky ball because every game we win! My team is called the Antlanta Braves.

The End

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

When I Am 100 Years Old

When I am 100 years old I will have white hair and I will be bruised and I will be sweet. I will eat oatmeal and sip on coke. I will play cards and paint. I will live in a house in Alabama. I will have three cats Fluffy, Cutey, and Tootsie Rolll. Toostie Roll is brown and Fluffy is white and Cutey is gray. I think being 100 will be fun.

The End

Hayden & Casiday

There are many ways that me and my best friend Hayden are alike. I have three cats, live in a brick house, no pond, I love cows, and I have green eyes. My BFF has two dogs, lives in a log house, she has a pond, loves dogs and has blue eyes.

We are the same in some ways. We both have blonde hair, love clothes, love shoes, and love animals.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Trip of My Dreams (written 11/19/08)

Today I am going to Animal World. It is filled with animals. It is my Dream trip. I am so exsited. My Mom, Dad, my friends and me are going. Because I am going to Animal World I love animals. So thats why. We are staying in a cool hotel. I has a pool and a hot tub and fish are in the pool. And thats what I call cool. The Bellhops are wearing animal skin. That got me excited even more. Theyhad more animals then I had ever saw in my whole life. They even had a hawk and a eagel. One of the Bellhops was from Hawaii. He told lots of great storys about Animal World. He said it had been biuld for 150 years. My faverite animal was a elaphent. Would you like to go to Animal World?

The End

*Note from Mommy... As always I typed exactly what was written by the girl. :)

Monday, January 12, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

These are Casiday's New Year's resolutions ... done at the school.

1. This year, I will be more patient with "my mom."
2. This year, I will study more "for Bull's Basics."
3. This year, I will keep my room more tidy by "cleaning my desk."
4. I will try harder to get along with "my friend Katherine."
5. I will try to eat healthy foods, even "brockly."
6. I will help keep my home clean by "cleaning up the bathroom."
7. I will help out at school by "listening."
8. I will try harder to remember to "read."
9. I will save money to "go to Sea World."
10. I will read for "15" minutes every day.
11. I will choose what I watch on TV more carefully, and only watch "10" hours every week.
12. I will exercise more often, especially by "doing push ups."
13. I will do my best to follow through with my resolutions, and will be glad when I am able to keep some of them.

Friday, January 2, 2009

My Cats

My cats Princess and Lydia are realy spoiled . Just like me.Lydia likes to chase ice.Princess likes to stare out the window.