Tuesday, February 10, 2009

When I Am 100 Years Old

When I am 100 years old I will have white hair and I will be bruised and I will be sweet. I will eat oatmeal and sip on coke. I will play cards and paint. I will live in a house in Alabama. I will have three cats Fluffy, Cutey, and Tootsie Rolll. Toostie Roll is brown and Fluffy is white and Cutey is gray. I think being 100 will be fun.

The End

Hayden & Casiday

There are many ways that me and my best friend Hayden are alike. I have three cats, live in a brick house, no pond, I love cows, and I have green eyes. My BFF has two dogs, lives in a log house, she has a pond, loves dogs and has blue eyes.

We are the same in some ways. We both have blonde hair, love clothes, love shoes, and love animals.